Some of my favorite quotes, strategies, and critical thinking come from a book I admit I have not read from cover to cover - The Art of War - a military treatise written over 2000 years...
That saying, or some variation thereof, was an old English proverb that was used by a famous (in legal circles anyway) judge to establish the principle that no one may enter your home without your...
When my car insurance renewal came in the mail this week, I just shook my head when I looked at the little cards they send you entitled "What to do if you're in an accident." ...
Just last fall, the Alabama Supreme Court overruled a long line of cases holding that a mother or father could not sue for the death of fetus that was not "viable." These older cases held that...
That should be the mantra of anyone (whether 18-wheeler driver or not) trailering cargo on our highways. I picked up that saying from a recent discussion at a lawyers' conference about tractor-trailers making u-turns or other...
Collisions involving a heavy truck (also known as a semi, a tractor-trailer, or an 18 wheeler) and an automobile require special attention. They are not just simple car wrecks. Why? Because if you are involved...
A recent article out at tells lawyers that lack of communication is the number one complaint by clients about attorneys. No surprise there, I wouldn't think.
At our firm, we do our best to communicate with you...
When our clients are involved in an unfortunate automobile accident, I often get this question: Do I really need a lawyer? It's clearly the other party's fault. Won't they just settle out-of-court? You would think...
In a news story out today, the Montgomery Advertiser reports on the State of Alabama's new push to resolve court disputes through mediation. The Alabama State Bar has declared next week "mediation week," and the Governor...
Just the other day in a vehicle defect case, during my deposition of a defendant's "expert" in a vehicle defect case, the expert looked at me and said: "I don't know what you mean by...