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Social Media and Divorce

Social Media and Divorce

My name is Allison Wally and I am the associate attorney here at the Gilmore Law Firm. Today,  we’re going to talk about social media and domestic cases or otherwise known as divorce cases. Social media has an overwhelming presence in everyone’s life nowadays, but it’s important to remember when you’re going through a domestic case, the importance of social media and the effects that it can have on the outcome of your case is important to realize that not everything you post can be read in the light that you intended it to be read in.

So it’s important to remember who your audience is and how that may come back and affect your case in the long run. My best tip and advice that I can give clients is not to post anything regarding your divorce, your children, your spouse and the ex-spouse or anything like that. Regarding the situation and circumstances of your divorce. So it’s important to remember that not everyone is your friend, even though they follow you or are your friend on social media.

The ways that these social media posts can come back and haunt you in the long run as far as your case is concerned, the other side or opposing counsel can use those as evidence in the trial against you, so it could ultimately come back and haunt you as far as custody assets, division of property, things like that. It’s easy to be able to vent to people, but if you need somebody to vent to,  please contact your attorney. If you find yourself in a situation where you need legal assistance, we’re always here to help you here at the Gilmore Law Firm.

And if you find yourself going through a domestic situation, please give us a call.


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